Grup pensionari 5 persoane

75,00 lei

Pelisor Castle

Validity: 14 zile since the ticket has been purchased.

Last admission at 16:15.

Supporting documents (pensioner card/certificate, passport, I.D. card) are to be shown at the entrance.



Castelul Pelișor, construit între anii 1899-1902, a fost reședința de vară a celei de-a doua Familii regale a României, Ferdinand I și Maria. Pelișorul reprezintă, prin implicarea reginei Maria, expresia stilului Art Nouveau.

Valoare bilet: 5 x 15 lei = 75 lei (include 3,57 lei TVA)

Useful information

Supporting documents (pensioner card/certificate, passport, I.D. card) are to be shown at the entrance.

Ultima intrare se face la ora 16.15.

The online ticket does not give the holder priority in entering the museum. There are no hourly reservations for visiting the museum. Entry is on a first-come, first-served basis, regardless of the ticket purchase method (ticket office/online).

Visitors are asked to adhere to the visiting schedule displayed on the official website

No guided tours are organized; visits are individual, based on written or audio explanations, which can be found in each of the exhibition spaces.

The Peles National Museum does not manage parking for visitors.